Completely shift the way you think about buying materials and let our Purchasing system automatically take care of the process for you.
Know exactly what you have On-Hand | Identify what you have In-Transit | Project what you need | Automatically select the lowest cost Supplier
The central purposes of the Purchasing Module are knowing exactly what you have on-hand, identifying what you have in-transit, and projecting what you need. You can also automatically select the lowest cost Supplier.
Automatically Purchase
Building off the purpose provided above, our system can automatically purchase Parts, so you always have the exact amount of Material needed for each Job.
Accurate Inventory
In addition to purchasing for Jobs, a Minimum On-Hand value can be established down to a selected bin within your Warehouse, guaranteeing more than adequate Inventory is always available.
Detailed Purchase Orders
The Purchase Order for each Supplier allows for optional price points to be selected per Unit of Measure.
Trend Reporting
Trend Reports within purchasing will identify price fluctuation over time to assist in pricing concessions with Suppliers.
Price Locking
Establish price locks with Suppliers for specific periods of time.
Maintain Purchase Orders
Our system improves your ability to maintain Purchase Orders with outstanding line items, ensuring timely receipt of In-Transit values.
Lowest Cost
Cost comparisons between Suppliers for selected Parts ensures the lowest cost is always utilized.