The Road Ahead for Clinical Lab Delivery (Video)
Your Ability to Move From A to B Just Got A Bit Easier.
Over the past few weeks, we have put together a high-level video overview showing just some of the ways we are working to provide proof of delivery solutions for clinical lab delivery companies. We are excited to share this and spread the word. Give it a look!
If you work in clinical lab delivery you know that moving things from A to B, is never as simple as it seems. You have multiple customers, spread across numerous routes, with multiple item types, to be picked up all over the city and delivered on time, to the right location, every day, without fail. And then you do it all again the next day.
Trying to stay on top of all these moving pieces with a fragmented and manual system will eventually mean mishandled orders, lost items, and upset customers.
You need help. We get it. That’s what we do. Here at Sierra Data Systems, we provide the consultative expertise our clients need to map out and develop a mobile logistics solution tailored to clinical lab delivery.
We can work with your company to provide:
Integrated Barcode Logic: Eliminate the unnecessary steps a driver needs to perform at each stop by automatically analyzing item types and destinations with integrated barcode logic.
Line Item Validation: Guard against items being missed or lost in the pickup and delivery process by using pre-defined business logic to enforce line item validation.
Secure Transfers: Increase the accuracy of item transfers by securely limiting handoffs between approved drivers with a secure handshake between mobile devices.
Container Handling: Nest multiple items within a cooler and then maintain the chain of custody of those individual items through transfers, deliveries, or secure handoffs.
Destination Enforcement: Eliminate mishandled or lost items by pre-defining their drop locations and enforcing this logic for all items picked up by a driver.
Dashboards & Reporting: Finally, with real-time data flowing into the dispatching board and powerful reporting right at your fingertips, you can oversee your delivery operations with the peace of mind all items are being picked up and delivered as you expect.
Now, we understand most companies who are looking provide true proof of delivery, have a real ambition to get to this point of line item validation, enforced destinations and proper container tracking, but typically, they hold off as they consider the amount of change management required to get there. We get it. This is why we provide a cohesive mobility solution that is flexible enough to be layered on over time in sync with your road map.
Are you ready for change? Visit our contact page and schedule a demo to see how we are helping clients like you become leaders within their field.